This article will go through the different options available and how to assign them to your Group and company-based manager(s).
Step One: Navigate to Admin > Users using the left hand navigation panel, and select the group manager you would like to adjust access for.
Step Two: Navigate to the bottom of the page and expand Show Extras
Step Three: Adjust (if necessary) the Groups Manager Configuration options for the user
Available Options:
Disable Manager Content Assignment: Selecting this option will take away the option for the Group Manager to assign content to the users in the group.
Disable Manager Assignment Edit: Selecting this option takes away the ability for the Group Manager to edit previously created assignments.
Disable Manager Assignment Manual Completion: Removes the option for the Group Manager to manually mark an assignment complete for a user(s).
Disable Manager Assignment Removal: Removes the option for the Group Manager to remove an assignment from a user.
Allow Manager to Create Users in Manager Dashboard: Selecting this, WILL give the manager the ability to create new users from their dashboard. A function typically only for Continu admins.
Allow Direct Report Suspension Management: Provides options for Managers to Suspend or Reinstate Direct Reports. For more details, please see Suspending and Reinstating Direct Reports
Manager Edit: Selecting will allow managers to edit existing users. The available fields can be limited by selecting Restrict Editable Fields in the toggle that appears below, and selecting the fields the manager should be allowed to edit.