Creating Varied Session Workshops

Varied session workshops are a form of multi session workshop in which learners are able to choose among any available dates for each session in the workshop. This allows learners to build their own program that works in their schedule.  

1. Navigate to Admin > Workshops > Add a Workshop and select Multi Session Workshop.


2. Complete the Workshop Title, Description & Tags. Choose Varied Session in the workshop type field, then click Next.


3. Add and complete the session details for each session. Follow the Adding Sessions to Multi Session Workshops instructions found in this link. Press Next when you've added all your sessions and dates to move on to images. 

Note: Once a multi session workshop is published, you will no longer be able to add additional sessions. Be sure you've added all the intended sessions before publishing!

4. Upload an Image for the Workshop. Click the Next button to continue.

5. Select the categories, if any, you would like this workshop to appear in for the Explore Page. Press Next to move on to settings. 

6. Edit your settings and notifications. See the Editing your Settings and Adding Custom Notifications to Workshops guides for more information. These settings and notifications will be for the workflow as a whole. Each Session can also have its own settings and notifications as noted in the linked instructions for Step Three. 

7. If you'd like to preview how this workshop will appear to learners, press Next or the Preview icon at the top of the page. When you're satisfied, press Create to create your Varied Session Workshop.


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