With Admin reports in Continu, you will be able to generate data for Assignment details, Assessment scores, and much more. In this guide you will learn how to navigate to Reports, how to download Reports, and what Report types are supported. 

Navigating to Reports

Downloading Reports

Supported Report Types 

Navigating to Reports

1. From the Left hand navigation, click Admin and then Reports

Downloading Reports

1. Determine the date range for your report(s) using one of the saved date ranges or enter a custom range.

Tip: The date range for the report will update in real-time. Some reports do not rely on date ranges, and will be marked as N/A.

2. The report(s) is ready to download. However, to further refine the report parameters, use the search bar to filter the data.

Tip: Use as many search terms to further refine the data for the report.

3. Once satisfied, click the Download button next to the report(s) you would like to download to your computer. All reports save as a .csv file.

Supported Report Types

For more information on each report and the type of information they each contain, see below:

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