The Workshop Status report provides a detailed breakdown of which Workshops learners are signed up to attend and their current status.  

The report contains all the learners' profile information upfront. The end of the report contains details on the workshops they have signed up for or attended. This article will be focused on the Workshop specific columns. For more information on the learner columns please see The User Management Report.

workshop stat.png

Please note: The date range is not applicable for this particular report type.

Workshop Status Report Columns:

Workshop ID: The internal Continu ID associated with a workshop. This ID will show up in the workshop's URL when the workshop is opened. 

Workshop Title: The title of the workshop the learner is attending. 

Workshop Start Date: The start date the learner has registered for. Note this date is not necessarily the first date of the workshop if there are multiple dates. This date is the specific date the learner has registered for.

Workshop Status: The learner's status for the workshop. Statuses include

  • Registered: The learner is registered to attend
  • Attended: The learner was marked as attending the workshop
  • Absent: The learner was marked as not attending the workshop
  • Removed: The learner cancelled their registration 
  • Waiting: The learner is on the workshop waitlist




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