Step One: Navigate to the Admin>Profiles section of the left hand navigation menu.
Step Two: To set up a new profile, click Create New Profile. Already created profiles will appear in the area below.
Step Three: The guide will easily walk you through the different steps to creating your profile.
Step Four: Begin by giving your profile a name. This is for admin reference only.
Tip: Give the profile a unique name. As you build more profiles, similarly named ones will become harder to distinguish.
Then give the profile a description. This helps to give context to the profile and what its purpose(s) is.
Explore Settings: If checked, will allow the user to rearrange content on Explore.
Step Five: Content Creation. Admins and content creators have full access to creating content. This section allows or limits the type of content they will be allowed to create.
For example, if a team member needs to manage workshops, limit them to only Create Workshops.
Step Six: Edit. Similar to the step above, give team members the ability to edit any or selected content types.
This can be mixed and matched with the Content Creation step.
Step Seven: Analytics. Limit or allow the types of analytics team members have access to.
For example, a team member could have access to the analytics and administration of a workshop while not having the ability to create or edit a workshop.
Step Eight: Segmentation. Utilizing the user values in the system to limit or allow access to content segmentation.
Helpful Tips:
Restrict Segmentation Options: Require the team member(s) to have to include the segmentation values entered such as location or department.
For example: in the following, the user would only have access to the segmentation option of the sales department in San Francisco.
Content Visibility: Only allow the team member(s) to view, edit, or create content matching the segmentation value(s). Any content not included in the segmentation values will be hidden to them.
For example: in the following, the user would only have access to viewing, editing, or creating content for learners in the Sales department in San Francisco.
Limit Category Options: If selected, then only the entered categories are accessible for anyone with this profile.
For example: the following profile users will only have access to the Featured and Workshops & Webinars categories to add content to.
Allow Archiving of Content: When enabled, allows for the user to archive content, making it no longer live.
Allow Unarchiving of Content: Same as above but allows the user to unarchive content, making it live again.
Allow Approval of Content Changes: Enable this option to provide access to approve new and updated content by Collaborators.
Allow Assessment Reset: Enable to allow the reset of progress in an assessment.
Step Nine: Users. Similar to the content restrictions above, this section allows or limits the user data and fields the team member(s) has access to. Give more or less access depending on the level of overview needed.
Helpful tips:
Add Any User with Bulk Upload: Allows the user to upload a .csv through Admin > Users bulk upload.
Restrict User Access: Enable to select the fields the profile has access to.
For example: The following profile only allows for access to users in the Sales departments in San Francisco or New York.
Add a Single User: Allows for the single user upload from the Admin > Users tab.
View Users: Toggles whether the user will have access to the Admin > Users tab.
Edit Users: Toggles whether the user can edit existing users.
Password Reset Users: Toggles allowing the user to reset another users profile.
Suspend Users: Toggles allowing the user to suspend users, making them inactive in Continu.
Allow Admin Role Selection: Allows the user to assign the admin role to a user(s).
Allow Creator Role Selection: Allows the user to assign the creator role to a user(s).
Allow Buddy Setting: Allows the user to make a user a buddy.
Allow Manager Setting: Allows the user to grant another user manager status.
Allow Profile Selection: Will allow the user to choose a profile for a creator or admin. Since profiles control permissions and can limit an admin, use this one with caution.
Step Ten: Assignments. Limit or allow the level of access and administration of assignments.
Step Eleven: Settings. What levels of access, if any, will the users have to the admin areas.
The final step is to assign users to a profile. Click here for a walkthrough.