Below are steps on how to mark a User's attendance as "Checked In" or "Did Not Attend" for single users and in Bulk.
Single Users
Bulk Updates
Single Users
1: Navigate to Create>Workshops using the navigation side panel. Locate the related workshop. Once found, click the Info icon
2: Locate the date for the intended Workshop, and click the Info icon once more for the specific date.
3: In the Attendance section, on the right-hand side you will see two icons to mark the User's Attendance status as either Checked in or Did not Attend
Bulk Updates
1: Follow steps 1 and 2 above to get to the attendance section of the workshop date you're looking for.
2: Select the checkboxes for the users you wish to update. If you would like to update all users on the page, use the select all checkbox in the upper-left corner.
3: From the dropdown, select the action you would like to take. You can mark the user as Registered, Attended, Did Not Attend (Absent), or remove the user from the workshop.
4: Press Apply and then confirm your changes.