The Continu platform is organized into different areas to allow learners to find the training and info they need. 

Left Hand Navigation Panel

Explore Page


Top Menu Bar

Left Hand Navigation Panel

The Left Hand Navigation Panel appears when a learner hovers their cursor over the left side of the Continu Screen. This panel appears on almost every page within Continu, and allows learners to navigate to any of the menus found within from any of those pages.  

lefty nav panel.gif

All learners will see the Explore and Dashboard options on this panel. If your organization has enabled the Workshops Dashboard, this option will appear at the bottom of the page. Managers and admins with the correct permissions will also be able to see additional menu options depending on their account. 


The Explore tab is where learners will be able to access Articles, Videos, Learning Tracks and Workshops. Learners can browse or search for content through the page. See Using the Explore Menu for more info. 



The Dashboard is where you'll be able to view your assignments, activity, Learning Tracks, and edit your Profile. See The Learner's Dashboard for more info.


Top Menu Bar

The Menu Bar at the top of the screen has a few more permanent links.

top menu.png

Organization Logo

The logo button in the top left of the page will always navigate to your Explore page. 

User Search

The User Search can be utilized to find colleagues based on criteria like departments, locations, and skills. 

Notification Tab

The notification tab will show in app notifications for the learner currently logged in.

Avatar Dropdown

The avatar dropdown allows learners to navigate to their Profile Settings, navigate to the Continu Help Center/Request Support, and to log out of the Continu Platform. 






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