Segmentation allows the content creator to decide who can see or access content within Continu. By enabling segmentation creators can limit who can see content in the Explore, or they can go further and completely limit access to learners in the segmented groups.
How To Segment Content
Creators can find the Segmentation option in the Settings tab when creating or editing content. By default, it will be set to Off. Toggling the switch to On will enable segmentation on the Explore. Checking the Private box will make the content unavailable to any learners not in the segmented groups.
Step One: Navigate to the Settings tab when creating or editing content
Step Two: Scroll to the bottom of the page and toggle the Segmentation Switch to On. This will allow creators to segment if this content displays on the explore page for learners. If they want to limit access completely, complete step three below.
Step Three: Optional - If creators would like to ensure the content is only available to the segmented learners, check off the Private box. Once checked learners who do not meet the segmentation requirements will be unable to search or open the content.
Step Four: Use the search bar to add segment options. Creators can segment content by
- Department
- Team
- Level
- Grade
- Location
For Example, if Department A and Department B are added, all learners in either Department A or B will be able to access the content. If Team X is also added, then the learners would need to be in either Department A OR B AND part of Team X in order to access the content.
Step Five: Creators can use the preview option to ensure they see the expected learners. If everything looks correct, segmentation is ready! Creators can continue editing their settings or publish the content