Please Note: Continu will log you out automatically after 4 hours of idle time, and text editing does not reset this time. Please save often, especially if you plan to step away from your computer 

1. Click Create within the left hand Navigation, then Content


2. Click on the Add Content icon and then select the Article option

Tip: Hover over the icons to see their type.


3. Add in information for the title and author of your article. You can then complete the article in the Article Content field below. 

4. Edit content by selecting any icon above in the article editor. Articles can include embedded images and videos, links, tables, and more. 

Troubleshooting tip: When possible, building your article within Continu will yield the best results. However, the article builder allows for copying and pasting of content from another editor. A common error when copying text created in a different article builder or Word document is that the formatting isn't compatible with Continu. 

5. After adding all the necessary content for the Article, click Next. In the Audience section, you will be able to add Segmentation, toggle visibility in Explore, and have the ability the add the article to a Category.  

For more details on Segmentation see Segmentation For Content

6. Click Next and edit your settings. See Editing your Settings for more information on the Settings Menu.

7. Click Next for the final overview of the Article. Click the Publish button to complete.

Note: At any time you can preview the article by clicking the Preview button around the top middle of the page

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