Step 1: In your Google Admin console (at Go to SAML Apps
Step 2: Click Add + at bottom right
Step 3: Click Set up my own custom app.The Google IDP Information window opens and the SSO URL and Entity ID fields automatically populate.
Step 4: Copy the SSO URL and download the IDP metadata
Step 5: Open Continu in a seperate tab and navigate to Admin Settings Integrations. Select the Saml 2.0 option
Step 6: Add your xml file in the Setup SAML section. You can either choose URL and paste the URL link to your xml data, or you can upload the xml file directly.
Step 7: Work with your IT team to ensure the other options are configured for your IDP.
Many xml files will bind to HTTP-Post AND HTTP-Redirect, but some only bind to one or the other. Be sure to select the best option for your ADP.
The NameID field lets users configure if the unique identifier for their instance will be through email or an internal User ID.
The Show SSO Option at Login field will allow you to show an SSO login button on the login screen, and change the help text within the button.
Press Submit when you are ready.
Step 8: Navigate back to the Google's Admin Console. Click the Next button
Step 9: In the Basic information window, add an application name and description (as illustrated).
(Optional) Upload a PNG or GIF file to serve as an icon for your custom app. The icon image should be 256 pixels square. [Download Continu Logo]
Step 10: Click Next
Step 11: In the Service Provider Details window, enter an ACS URL, Entity ID, and Start URL (if needed) for your custom app. These values are all provided by the service provider.
Note: *Replace [yourdomain] with the subdomain of your Continu instance.
Step 12: Click Next
Step 13: Click Add new mapping and enter a new name for the attribute you want to map.
Step 14: Follow the setup in the illustration, ensuring the font casing is adhered to
Step 15: Click Finish
Step 16: Turn on the Single Sign On. In your Google Admin console (at Go to SAML Apps. Select the Continu app. At the top right of the gray box, click Edit Service .
Step 17: To apply settings to all organizations, click On for everyone or Off for everyone, and then click Save.
Note: To apply settings to individual organizational units, do the following:
- At the left, select the organizational unit that contains the users whose settings you want to change.
- To change the setting, select On or Off.
- To keep the setting the same, even if the parent setting changes, click Override.
- If the organization's status is already Overridden, choose an option:Inherit—Reverts to the same setting as its parent. Save—Saves your new setting (even if the parent setting changes).
Step 18: Once the setup is complete in Google and Continu, please reach out to Support, to complete the final part of the integration and enable a new login screen.