Creating Surveys
Editing Surveys
Creating Surveys
Step One: Use the navigation sidebar to find the Create>Surveys page. Press the +Add Survey button to create a new survey
Step Two: Add a title and short description for your survey. The title and description will both be visible from the Survey home page. Press Next to continue to questions.
Step Three: Add and edit up to three questions for the survey. See the article Adding Questions To Surveys for more information on the questions and their types. Press next to move on to selecting content.
Step Four: Search for content to attach this survey to. You can add a single survey to multiple pieces of content if desired. This step can also be skipped and edited later, or the saved survey can be added directly to content in the Content Settings.
Step Five: Press Create to save the survey.
Editing Surveys
Step one: To edit a survey, search or browse for the survey from the Admin>Survey main page. Click on the title of the survey you want to edit.
Step Two: Edit the title, questions, or attached content from the menu. See the survey creation instructions above for more info.
Step Three: Press the update button to save your settings.