Continu Service Level Agreement
Please consult your Continu Agreement Terms for more information about your provided Service Level Agreement.
Time to First Response
Continu's standard time to first response are as follows:
Priority | Description | First Response Time |
Critical | All users cannot access the system | Within 1 Business Hour |
Urgent | Some users cannot access the system | Within 2 Business Hours |
Normal | Single-user access error or troubleshooting | Within 4 Business Hours |
Enterprise Support
If you have purchased the Continu Enterprise Support Plan, please consult your agreement for more information on our Enterprise response times and SLA policy.
Continu Support Hours
Continu's support team is available Monday - Friday 10am - 8pm Eastern Time. You can use Continu's support center 24/7 for helpful documents or submit a ticket for our support team. If your ticket is logged outside of business hours, you can expect a response on the next business day. Our team will do their best to provide speedy and efficient support to you at all times.
Contact Support
You can contact our support team by submitting a ticket in our support center or contact our support team by emailing