Setting Up The Continu Tab Within Salesforce

This guide will provide instructions on using the

Step 1:  Click on Setup  
(Note: You will need to be in Classic Mode to access these settings.)

Tip 💡: Have the Salesforce user with administrator controls set this up for all users.

Step 2: Click on Create

Step 3: Click on Tabs

Step 4: Under Web Tabs click on the New button

Step 5: Choose the layout (Continu looks the best in full page width 😊 ). Click the Next button


 Name the Tab

Step 7: Choose a Tab Style

Step 8: Add a Description

Step 9: Click the Next button to continue

Step 10: Enter the URL for the Continu platform
(Note: Use the URL as it appears after log in)

Step 11: Click the Next button to continue

Step 12: Allow for all Salesforce users to view the Continu tab or customize these settings here. When done, click the Next button to continue

Step 13: Customize the visibility of the tab. Click the Save button to continue

Step 14: The new Continu tab will now appear at the top of the page



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