Dedicated Workshops is a centralized location to view, find, and track Workshops within Continu. See the sections below for more information on utilizing this page. You can navigate to the Dedicated Workshops from anywhere within Continu using the Navigation Bar.
Navigating Dedicated Workshops
Searches and Filtering
The Calendar
Navigating Dedicated Workshops
Starting from the top, users will find the Filter and Search options for workshops. See Searches and Filtering below for more information on the available options.
The Events window shows a list of all filtered workshops. This list can be sorted using the drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the Events window to show
Date - Chronological list of Workshops.
- Upcoming workshops display from the next workshop forward
- Past workshops display from the most recent back
- Recently Added - Workshops ordered by the most recently added to Continu
- Most Popular - Shows the upcoming Workshops with high amounts of filled seats
- Availability - Shows upcoming workshops that have open seats
Press on any Event to open that Workshop's page and interact with the workshop itself.
The Calendar shows upcoming and past workshops on a browsable calendar view. See the Calendar section below for more information on navigating and utilizing the Calendar.
Below the Calendar is the Quick Stats board. This board will show you information on how many workshops you're registered for, waitlisted on, and how many you have attended.
Searches and Filtering
The Search and Filter menu at the top of Dedicated Workshops will help you find exactly the workshop you want to attend.
The filters function dynamically between upcoming and past workshops, presenting you with options that apply to your chosen type.
The first filter allows you to filter between Past and Upcoming Workshops. Choose Past to view workshops you've attended in the past. Choose Upcoming to see all the future workshops you can register for, or that you're already registered for.
The second filter allows you to filter for
- All - All workshops
- Available - All workshops with spots available to register.
- Registered - Workshops you are already registered for.
- Waitlisted - Workshops you are on a waitlist to attend, if spots open up.
The third filter lets you choose between online workshops, in person workshops, or both.
The search bar will allow you to search for Workshops by Titles and Keywords.
The Calendar
The Calendar on Dedicated Workshops allows users to see at a glance what upcoming days have available workshops, or workshops the user has registered for.
Upcoming available sessions will appear as empty circles on the Calendar
Registered sessions will appear as filled in circles on the Calendar
Past registered dates can also be viewed and appear as a dimmed filled circle on previous dates in the Calendar.
Click any of these circles to see what workshops appear for that date.